Privacy policy

In fulfillment of what has in the article 5 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 of December, of Protection of Data of Personal Character (LOPD), *, informs him that the data of personal character that provide us filling up the form of register that appears in this page will collect in files the manager of which is BODEGA EL CEP, S.L. With the purpose to inform him of our services or any one other information relieving that it can be of his interest. The data that collect are necessary for the contractual relation and the no supply of them would mean the impossibility to keep it.

Right of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition

Anytime the headline of the personal data will be able to exert his rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, directing in writing to BODEGA EL CEP, S.L., C/ Punta de la Figuera, nº5 – Santa Margarida (17480 Roses).

Likewise, you recognises that the information and the personal data collections are exact and truthful. For this reason we ask him that it communicate immediately any modification of his data of personal character because the information that contain our files was always up to date and do not contain errors.

In the case of the cession of his personal data to third, will inform him properly of the society that yield them, the third to who yield , the type of activities to which devotes and the purpose to the fact that answers the cession .

Collection of statistical data

This website do not collect neither stores personal data of his visitors.
Only, with the purpose to offer the best service through this page, and to facilitate his use, analyse the numeral of pages visited, the numeral of visits, as well as the activity of the visitors of the web, and his frequency of utilisation.

Cookies policy

A cookie is a small file of text that stores in his browser when visits almost any website. His utility is that the web was able to remember his visit when go back to sail for this page. The cookies are used to to store information of technical character, personal preferences, personalització of contents, statistical of use, links to social networks, access to accounts of user, etc. The aim of the cookie is to adapt the content of the web to his profile and needs, without cookies the services offered by any page would see minvats notably. If it wishes to consult more information on what are the cookies, which store, like deleting them, desactivar-the, etc., we pray him head to this link.

Cookies Used in this place web

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data proceed to detail the use of cookies that does this web with the purpose to inform him with the maximum exactitud possible.

This place web uses the following own cookies:

Cookies of session, to guarantee that the users that write comments in the blog are human and no applications automated. Of this shape combat the spam.

This place web uses the following cookies of third:

Google Analytics: it Stores cookies for can elaborate statistical on the traffic and volume of visits of this web. In using this place web is consenting the treatment of information on you for Google. Therefore, the exercise of any right in this sense will have to do it communicating directly with Google.

Social networks: Each social network uses his own cookies because you can puncture in buttons of the type likes Me or Share.

Deactivation or elimination of cookies

To any moment will be able to exert his right of deactivation or elimination of cookies of this place web. These actions realise differently in function of the browser that was using.